Wednesday, September 7, 2016

About beans?

My story with beans started early. Maybe I was around ten, maybe more, maybe less, but the fact is that I began to realize that beans represented much more than a simple food that most Brazilians eat every day. I realized that, as a resident of the state of São Paulo, I had pinto beans in my home every day. I thought it was a universal rule. Everybody needs to eat pinto beans everyday and black beans just in special occasions. However, one day I found that in Rio de Janeiro people ate black beans every day.Oh my God, so people are not all the same?

Then I began to love beans. I love eating beans, but I love much more what they mean to me. They can tell a lot about the culture where people are from, their habits and the manner each one can see the world. So, since I was a child I had the crazy idea to write a book about beans. I wanted to enter in the house of people around the world and ask them how do they prepare beans. My friends were dreaming of being great doctors or lawyers while I was more interested to learn how to cook beans.

Now I am not a child anymore, I do not want just find out recipes on beans. I wish to discover the excitement, the memories, the culture, the cuisine back to each of us around the world. According to anthropologist Sidney Mintz, food creates a powerful social ties with the place where we grew up and the people who live together, building our identity, thus the way we eat strongly reveals the culture where we are from.

This is my goal, discover stories, cultures and habits around the world. Obviously I will talk about beans, I have not given up my silly book idea, but I will also talk about any recipe that is important to someone, because that is my objective, try to understand and take to your home how people around the world see this passion: food.

I wish I could see you soon!

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